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Providing Opportunities to Explore International Cultures
by Experience Japan
A community that Speaks English
Remove your Fear of speaking English.
Opportunites to interact with Professional English Language Trainers and Native Speakers.
Improve your communication skills.
Enhance your knowledge and by participating in Group discussions.
Membership Fees: 250 Rs. Per Month
Spoken English Club Timings: 11 AM - 12:00 Noon (Every Sunday)
Venue: FLTCC, C-1, Sujan Singh Park, Sonepat (Hr.)-131001
Clubs - Application Form
Successfully Registered!
If you have chosen multiple clubs to join then you have to pay for each.
Your membership will be considered activated since the first date of the same month you applied in.
You need to renew your membership on 1st date of every month or you may pay quarterly membership.
In case of any ambiguity, feel free to contact (+91-9896879722, 8199989876).
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Congratulations! You have successfully applied to join our Club. Our Team will contact you soon!
Club Applcaton Form
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