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Origami Workshop by Ms. Priyanka and Ms Rishu @ Kendriya Vidhyalaya, Delhi


Experience Japan organized an 'Origami Workshop' on July 17th, 2019 (Wednesday) at Kendriya Vidhyalaya, Sec. 8, R.K. Puram, New Delhi. Ms.. Priyanka and Ms. Rishu Bhardwaj (Team Members - Experience Japan) started the session with the introduction of Origami and its history, followed by making Origami objects. 45 students and some teachers from K.V. participated in this workshop and made Kimono, flowers etc. by using Origami. We are grateful to Ms. Mamta Shekhar (Principal - K.V.), Ms. Anu (Art Teacher - K.V. ) for their kind invitation to interact with young minds.

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Rishu Kumari
Jul 30, 2019

Loads of thanks to EXPERIENCE JAPAN for providing that great opportunity to us😊

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